Throwing some sources

by Giacomo Graziosi     random  

Oct 11, 2008

I just made public under the terms of the GPLv3 a couple of old university projects hoping they will help someone. Here they are: ufs (micro file system, a fat-alike user space file system with some unix extensions) and Vespasiano (small movie theater manager, done when learning sockets in Java).

Please note that they both are so bugged to be broken. Be careful :-).

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Cerberus Project

by Giacomo Graziosi     linux  

Oct 1, 2008

Cerberus illustration

What is this cool drooling puppy doing on my blog? His name is Cerberus, he came from Greek mithology and he is nothing less than the guardian of the gate to Hades, also known as Hell.

No, I haven’t joined satanism, this is just a mascotte, the mascotte for a new project I’ve been thinking on lately: a Debian based Linux distribution specialized on video surveillace, its name will obviously be Cerberus. :smile:

Why am I building another Linux distribution? Well, the answer is very simple: in the last two years I’ve been selling video surveillance systems build on top of Debian or Ubuntu with Motion and Vigilante. Assembling such systems requires to repeat each time a set of very specific steps such as installing the distribution with the needed packages, configuring the modprobe options for driver of the video capture card (often based on the bt878 chip), setup Motion and Vigilante, linking it all together on the user’s desktop. Most of these actions (excluding hardware probing/configuration) could be automatized, or better, saved prebuild in a proper environment. This is where Cerberus Linux enters the game: it is meant to act like firmwares on embedded Linux devices, a main read-only partition containing the distribution with a small overlay read-write (freezable to read-only) partition containing the configuration files. Why am I following the “embedded-firmware”-like way in place of a more common standard installation? First reason is robustness: making the system read-only prevents damage to the file system when doing hard resets (which are very common on this kind of systems, often seen as vhs recorders or table dvd players by the inexperienced users who will use them). Second reason is easy of use: you can (re)install and update the base system by rewriting the partition without caring about backups or installation process, is it just a call to dd, automatizable. Third reason: users are idiots, give them a writeable home and they will find a way to mess up the entire system, give them a writeable root file system and they will bring back the system as an ash heap claiming you sold them a broken thing.

So the roadmap so far is to build the distribution with the listed features, put a new Vigilante (based on Cluttermm/Gstreamermm) on it and maybe develop a remote web configuration system (maybe with ExtJS and Rails or Zend Framework or Webtoolkit).

Of course if you have any advice or proposal for Cerberus please contact me, any good idea will be welcomed.

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SQLite3 support for Motion

by Giacomo Graziosi     linux  

Sep 30, 2008

One of the first problem occurred when developing the specialized video surveillance Linux distribution I’ve been working on these days is the database engine to be used to archive the list of recording files saved by Motion. As every write operation will be placed on a read-write file system layer on top of the main read-only layer (containing the whole “monolithic” distribution, something like the firmware on an embedded device) I have the need to store the whole database data in a compact manner, something like only one file and not similar to the /var/lib/mysql/ directory with its many entries. The problem with this is that Motion only supported MySQL and PostgreSQL so I had to add the SQLite layer by myself. As a result I have published a patch on the Motion’s wiki, test it please :-).

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What I don’t like in Ruby

by Giacomo Graziosi     ruby  

Apr 7, 2008

I’m beginning to learn the well hyped Ruby language, in many ways it looks useful, elegant and pleasant, still it has something that, at least at a first glance, looks odd to me. I will use this post to take track of those odd things that I will meet when studying the language.

So, here we go:

1) Ends, take a look on this snippet:

if !r.nil? then
  rr = r.right
  if !rr.nil? then
    if ((r.color == RedBlackTree::RED)and(rr.color == RedBlackTree::RED)) then
      x = rot_left()
      copy(x) unless x.nil?
      @color = RedBlackTree::BLACK
      l = @left
      l.color = RedBlackTree::RED unless l.nil?

and here comes the Python equivalent:

]if (right != None):
    rr = right.__right
    if (rr != None):
        if ((right.__color == ==
            x = self.__rotLeft()
            if (x != None):
            self.__color =
            left = self.__left
            if (left != None):
                left.__color =

The Python way looks just the best way in my opinion. What’s the reason for the ends when you’ll indent the code anyway (and if you don’t then you deserve nothing else than suffering and pain)? Even the { C/C++/Java approach } appears way better or at least less intrusive.

2) “Fuzzy” expressions terminators. Try to compile and execute the following C++ code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Foo {
    void bar() {
        int x = 3;
        int y = 2;
        cout << x
        cout << endl;

int main() {
    Foo *f = new Foo;
    return 0;

What do you expect it to print? Right, it will correctly print 5. Now Ruby’s turn:

class Foo
  def bar
    x,y = 3,2
    puts x

f =

Now what output do you expect? The answer is 3. This is because Ruby doesn’t use semicolons as C, C++, Java, PHP and many other languages do to terminate statements. It is still the better way to go, semicolons are redundants useless things almost everytime, still you have to pay attention: note that the above Ruby code isn’t wrong so the interpreter will not warn you, it will just print 3 instead of 5 and the method bar will return the value2 (remember that in Ruby the last expression in a method or function is the actual return value of it so if you replace with puts it will print the “missing” 2).

3) No method overloading. The following code is self-explanatory:

class Foo
    def bar(a, b)
        puts b

    def bar(a)
        puts a

gh ="hello", "world")

if you try to execute it then you will get something like this:

asd.rb:12:in `bar’: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) (ArgumentError) from asd.rb:12

4) GIL (global interpreter lock). To me it’s nothing else than an alternative reading for “fake threading”. If you are on a multicore/multicpu system try to execute this snippet while monitoring the cpu activity, it will start 8 threads and compute fibonacci(40) on each thread:

class Fibonacci
    def fib(i)
        if (i <= 2)
            return 1
            return fib(i - 1) + fib(i - 2)

threads = []
8.times { |i| threads[i] = { } }
threads.each {|t| t.join}

If you come from C/C++ or Java you may expect this code to use up to 8 cores/cpus on your system at the same time… wrong! It will execute the code using only one core/cpu at once because the GIL prevents the threads from taking control of the interpreter at the same time. Cool, isn’t it?

5) Method invocation hooking. The following is the best way I found to intercept whenever a method is called:

class Foo
  def bar1(gh1)
    puts "bar1 #{gh1}"

class Foo
  def bar1_hook(*args)
    puts "bar1 hooked!"

  alias_method(:bar1_asd, :bar1)
  alias_method(:bar1, :bar1_hook)

a =
So bar1 is the method to be hooked: you have to monkey patch the Foo class defining the hooking method and hack it all together with alias_method. Doing this you are ripping the original class apart: if someone will edit thebar1 method after your hook he/she will actually be editing the bar1_hook method without even noticing it (well, he will notice the unexpected behaviour and maybe try to debug his/her own code… have fun :- ), I really hope to be wrong about this point…
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XML importer from Danea Easyfatt to Cubecart

by Giacomo Graziosi     php  

Jul 30, 2007

This is ugly, bugged, wrote in PHP (I’m not a PHP programmer) and will probably send death threats emails to all of your customers (really, I didn’t have the time to test it). If you still want it, click to download or just read it online:

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Copyright (C) 2007 Giacomo Graziosi (
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see .
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Ugly importer interface abstraction
class Outputter
    private $file_handle;
    public function __construct($file)
        $this->file_handle = fopen($file, 'a');
    public function __destruct()
    public function write($buffer)
        fwrite($this->file_handle, $buffer."\n##################################\n");
//Importer implementation for the Cubecart
abstract class Importer
    protected $logger;
    protected $dbh;
    protected $xml_products;
    public function __construct($import_str, $host, $dbname, $user, $pass, $op)
        $this->logger = $op;
        $this->dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='.$host.';dbname='.$dbname, $user, $pass);
        //$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_file);
    public function __destruct()
    protected function query_has_row($sql_query, $str_id = "cat_id")
        //echo "$sql_query\n";
        //$s = $this->dbh->query($sql_query);
        //if ($row = $s->fetch())
        foreach ($this->dbh->query($sql_query) as $row)
            return $row[$str_id];
        return false;
    abstract protected function import_data($import_str);
    abstract protected function update_and_delete();
    abstract protected function insert_new();
class CubeImporter extends Importer
    private $cats = array();
    protected function import_data($import_str)
        $xml = simplexml_load_string($import_str);
        $this->xml_products = $xml->Products->Product;
    protected function update_and_delete()
        foreach ($this->dbh->query('SELECT * from CubeCart_inventory') as $row)
            foreach ($this->xml_products as $product)
                if( $row['productId'] == $product->InternalID )
                    //print($row['productId']." update\n");
                    continue 2;
            //print($row['productId']." delete\n");
    protected function insert_new()
        foreach ($this->xml_products as $product)
            foreach ($this->dbh->query('SELECT * from CubeCart_inventory') as $row)
                if( $row['productId'] == $product->InternalID )
                    continue 2;
    private function add_cat($cat_name, $cat_fat_id = "0")
        $this->dbh->exec("INSERT INTO CubeCart_category (cat_name, cat_father_id)"
        ."values ('$cat_name', $cat_fat_id)");
        //echo "ho inserito ".$this->dbh->lastInsertId()."\n";
        return $this->dbh->lastInsertId();
    private function check_categories($xml_product) //needs some refactoring
        if (array_key_exists("Subcategory", $xml_product))
            $a = array_search($xml_product->Subcategory, $this->cats);
            if ($a == false)
                $a = array_search($xml_product->Category, $this->cats);
                if ($a == false)
                    $a = $this->query_has_row("SELECT * FROM CubeCart_category WHERE cat_name = '$xml_product->Category'");
                    if ($a == false)
                        //inserire cat
                        $a = $this->add_cat($xml_product->Category);
                    //$this->cats["$xml_product->Category"] = $a;
                //$a deve contenere id di cat
                $fa = $a;
                $a = $this->query_has_row("SELECT * FROM CubeCart_category"
                ." WHERE cat_name = '$xml_product->Subcategory' AND cat_father_id = $fa");
                if ($a == false)
                    $a = $this->add_cat($xml_product->Subcategory, $fa);
                //$this->cats["$xml_product->Subcategory"] = $a;
        } else { //If Subcategory doesn't exist then there must be at least a Category
            $a = array_search($xml_product->Category, $this->cats);
            if ($a == false)
                $a = $this->query_has_row("SELECT * FROM CubeCart_category WHERE cat_name = '$xml_product->Category'");
                if ($a == false)
                    $a = $this->add_cat($xml_product->Category);
                //$this->cats["$xml_product->Category"] = $a;
        return $a;
    private function add_row($xml_product)
        $cat_id = $this->check_categories($xml_product);
        $tax_id = $this->query_has_row("SELECT id FROM CubeCart_taxes WHERE taxName = "."'IVA'", "id");        
        $s = $this->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO CubeCart_inventory (productID, productCode,"
        ."price, name, cat_id, sale_price, stock_level, taxType)"
        ." VALUES (:productID, :productCode, :price, :name, :cat_id, "
        .":sale_price, :stock_level, :taxType)");
        $s->bindParam(':productID', $xml_product->InternalID);
        $s->bindParam(':productCode', $xml_product->Code);
        $s->bindParam(':price', $xml_product->GrossPrice3);
        $s->bindParam(':name', $xml_product->Description);
        $s->bindParam(':cat_id', $cat_id);
        $s->bindParam(':sale_price', $xml_product->GrossPrice3);
        $s->bindParam(':stock_level', $xml_product->AvailableQty);
        $s->bindParam(':taxType', $tax_id);
        $this->dbh->exec("INSERT INTO CubeCart_cats_idx (cat_id, productId)"
        ." VALUES ($cat_id, $xml_product->InternalID)");
        $this->dbh->exec("UPDATE CubeCart_category SET noProducts = noProducts + 1 "
        ."WHERE cat_id = $cat_id");
    private function update_row($xml_product)
        $cat_id = $this->check_categories($xml_product);
        $tax_id = $this->query_has_row("SELECT id FROM CubeCart_taxes WHERE taxName = "."'IVA'", "id");    
        $sql = "UPDATE CubeCart_inventory SET productCode = :productCode, price = :price, name = :name, cat_id = :cat_id, "
        ."sale_price = :sale_price, stock_level = :stock_level, taxType = :taxType WHERE productID = :productID";
        $s = $this->dbh->prepare($sql);
        $s->bindParam(':productID', $xml_product->InternalID);
        $s->bindParam(':productCode', $xml_product->Code);
        $s->bindParam(':price', $xml_product->GrossPrice3);
        $s->bindParam(':name', $xml_product->Description);
        $s->bindParam(':cat_id', $cat_id);
        $s->bindParam(':sale_price', $xml_product->GrossPrice3);
        $s->bindParam(':stock_level', $xml_product->AvailableQty);
        $s->bindParam(':taxType', $tax_id);
    private function delete_row($id)
        $cat_id = $this->query_has_row("SELECT cat_id FROM CubeCart_inventory WHERE productId = $id", "cat_id");
        $this->dbh->exec("DELETE FROM CubeCart_inventory WHERE productId = $id");
        $this->dbh->exec("UPDATE CubeCart_category SET noProducts = noProducts - 1 "
        ."WHERE productId = $cat_id");
$op = new Outputter("/path/to/log/asd.txt");
if (array_key_exists("file", $_FILES)) {
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "file.xml");
    $xmlstr = file_get_contents("file.xml");
    $ci = new CubeImporter($xmlstr, 'localhost', 'database_name', 'username', 'password', $op);
$op->write(var_export($_FILES, true));
$op->write(var_export($_POST, true));
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